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Eaton Souriau


ELIO18NESA, Singlemode contact for cable 1.5 to 1.9mm, non waterproof, less boot.

Available on back-order

Eaton Souriau ELIO Contacts are Airbus, EN4531 and ARINC 801 qualified, with ELIO solutions for Military, Aerospace, Industrial and Railway markets with optical solutions suited for 38999 Series III, ARIN 600, VGE1 connectors. ELIO is a standard butt joint terminus connector solution commonly used within aerospace and military applications. It is ABS 1379 and ABS 1213 qualified.

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Servo & Electronic Sales Ltd
Connector House, Harden Road, Lydd,
Kent, TN29 9LX
+44 (0) 1797 322500